Great News! I’m going to re-open on April 12th (providing the government are happy with our four tests of course!).

I want to thank you for your patience over the past few months. I know that many of you have been waiting to hear my re-opening plans so you can book your session. My inbox has been choc-a-bloc recently with enquiries and I’m looking forward to booking you all in.

I’ve personally been very busy recently, preparing to re-open with some new services and exciting changes that I know you will love, as well as volunteering for St John Ambulance supporting the vaccination rollout (you can only watch so much Netflix after all).

Booking your photoshoot…

There’s limited information this time with regards to businesses opening, so I’m making a decision based on a combination of what we know about social contact and businesses re-opening. The dates are mostly dependent on your group size.

Rest assured that risk assessments have taken place and photoshoots will take place according to health & safety and hygiene guidance. I’m also sure you will be happy to hear that I am personally vaccinated and will be undertaking weekly (or more if available) rapid testing as an extra element of safety.

Outdoor Photoshoots

April 12th – Mix of 6 people including photographer or 2 households (any number) plus photographer.

May 17th – Mix of up to 30 people including the photographer.

Studio Photoshoots

April 12th – Single household only plus photographer.

May 17th –  Mix of 6 people including photographer or 2 households (any number) plus photographer.

The guidance above may change if more details are released, specifically relating to photography and studios. There are of course exceptions to these rules for a number of outlined businesses and in previous lockdowns, we saw clauses that enabled gatherings, managed by businesses to take place with larger numbers under certain conditions. There’s, unfortunately, no news on this currently.

Gift Cards

Gift cards always have been and will still be available to easily purchase online through my website by clicking here.


I know everyone says this, all the time but please please get your booking in as soon as you can. I’m already receiving a massive increase in emails, bookings and enquiries and with all my recently cancelled bookings also needing to reschedule, I will be very busy over the next few months, especially during weekends.

If you would like more information or would like to book your photoshoot, please get in touch by clicking here or call me on 01993 256 257.

I look forward to seeing you all very soon and in the meantime, stay safe.